TELETOON’s gaming universe has expanded again with the launch of Humans VS Vampires for iPhone and iPod Touch on Friday, August 31. Humans VS Vampires is a new My Babysitter’s a Vampire app which comes hot on the heels of Find the Earl for iPad, a Skatoony app that launched earlier this summer.
"The TELETOON experience extends beyond the television set. With viewers increasingly getting their entertainment via iPhone, iPad and iPod devices, the release of these new apps will bring our audience yet another unreal experience to their daily dose of amusement," said Gavin Friesen, Director, Interactive, TELETOON Canada Inc.
My Babysitter’s a Vampire: Humans VS Vampires
Following the success of the award-winning online game of the same name and released to coincide with the premiere of My Babysitter’s a Vampire’s second season on TELETOON, this new incarnation of Humans VS Vampires turns the vampire-slaying fun into a mobile experience. Developed for TELETOON by Secret Location with support from the Bell Broadcast and New Media Fund, the game is free to download in the App Store under the title Humans VS Vampires. A one-time 99 cent in-app upgrade allows players to unlock all five good guys and five undead characters.
In this badge system game, the user can play as either a human or a vampire, using over 30 battle moves to defy their opponent, including three special moves unique to each character. Players battle their way through five levels and five different opponents, with rivals getting increasingly more difficult to beat as the game progresses.
Click here to read more on Teletoon's New Mobile Apps
Rory is a vampire and Erica is a vampire but she is not evil like everyone else on the vampire side is evil